Want to join CDRS?

We prioritise transparency, openness, and fairness in our compensation and salary structure.


We offer a highly competitive salary package that includes 51% of your billings paid as salary. Plus, we guarantee a minimum salary of 3000 euros per month to ensure financial stability for all our employees.


We believe in taking great care of our team, which is why we offer a range of great benefits. Enjoy lunch perks with ePassi, along with culture and sports benefits to help you stay active. We also provide dental coverage and additional health insurance to ensure you're well-protected and healthy.


We let our employees choose the gear that works best for them, whether it's a laptop or a phone. This way, everyone can work comfortably with the tools they prefer. By offering top-notch equipment options, we make sure our team can do their best work and stay happy and productive.

Salary calculator

Hourly rate: 75

Hours billed: 158 h

Monthly salary: 6044

Ready to join?

If you're a passionate IT professional or a freelancer looking for a home, join likeminded experts at our IT consultancy. We are dedicated to providing a transparent and fair environment where your contributions are valued. Feel free to get in touch and we'll reach out to you as soon as a suitable opportunity arises.