Looking for CDRS?

Our mission is to be your trusted IT partner, providing exceptional professionals to drive your business success.

Software developers

Experienced frontend, backend, mobile, and full stack developers proficient in industry-leading technologies and frameworks. Our professionals are equipped to deliver high-quality solutions, from crafting seamless user interfaces and mobile apps to building robust backend systems

Cloud engineers

Cloud engineers who specialise in designing and managing scalable, secure solutions on Azure and AWS. They optimise your cloud infrastructure to ensure efficient deployment and robust performance, customised to meet your specific needs.

DevOps engineers

Skilled DevOps engineers who bring a platform engineering mindset to integrate development and operations seamlessly. They focus on automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of your software projects.

Agile coaches & Project managers

Agile coaches and project managers who enhance team performance and ensure project success. Our Agile coaches promote Agile practices for better collaboration, while our project managers oversee project execution, timelines, and resources.

Why choose CDRS?
We offer exceptional local talent, dedicated to delivering high-quality results with reliability and transparency. Our flexible approach supports long-term partnerships, ensuring consistent performance, clear communication, and the adaptability to meet your evolving needs.